Admission Rules
1. Assessment rules
A student must be officially registered and attain a minimum semester mark of 40% in a course to be allowed to write examinations.
Weighting shall be in the ratio of 60% continuous assessment to 40% written or oral examination.
The overall aggregate pass mark shall be 50%.
For a student to qualify for promotion (pass examination), in addition to a favourable DP, an examination mark must be at least 40 % (subminimum rule).
2. Retaining of semester mark (DP)
A student with DP of not less than 60% may apply to retain it for one academic year only (G32).
3. Supplementary examination
A student must obtain an overall mark of 40 - 48% and obtains a minimum mark of 40% for both continuous assessment and final examination qualifies for a supplementary examination.
4. Special examination
A student qualifies to write an automatic supplementary (special) examination for a course in a particular semester if the course is the last outstanding course for the student to complete his/her studies and has attempted the final examination in the course.
5. Aegrotat examination
A student who missed an examination due to illness or family circumstances can apply for an aegrotat examination to the Registrar’s office provided satisfactory evidence of such circumstances is produced as per university rules.