The department is one of the six departments in the Faculty of Education. The name of the department is Adult and Education Foundations. This department is an outcome of the process of Rationalisation and Consolidation.
The department which used to be called the Department of Adult, Foundation Phase and Educational Foundations Education was split into two departments – Department of Adult and Education Foundations and Department of Initial Primary Teacher Education. The department of Adult and Education Foundations will house the Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training (Dip ACET) and Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Senior Phase and Further Education and Training (PGCE in SP & FET) and eventually the Advanced Diploma in Adult and Community Education and Training (Adv Dip ACET).
3.1.2 Research niche areas
Research niche areas in the department include Mathematics, Science and Technology teaching and learning; nature, scope and significance of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS); Professional Content Knowledge (PCK); Academic Content Knowledge and School Based Experience (SBE) in Initial Education Programmes; Development challenges of rural-urban community; Development of reflective and reflexive teachers; Diversity and inclusivity in education.
3.1.3 Work Integrated Learning (WIL)
Work Integrated Learning comes in two forms namely, School Based Experience and Workplace Based Learning. The purpose of WIL is to expose students to schools and industry sites to gain work experience under mentorship by staff of the host organisation and supervision by lecturers.
3.1.4 Partnerships
The department initiates and has partnerships with different stakeholders and communities. There is an association between the department and various workplace-based industry sites and schools for purposes of student placements.
3.1.5 General graduate opportunities
Graduates from this Department are equipped with necessary skills, knowledge, and values to be employed as: Teachers, Lecturers, Facilitators, Tutors, Heads of Departments, Deputy Principals, School Principals and Education Officials.
3.1.6 Graduate attributes
• Reflecting on and exploring a variety of strategies to learn more effectively.
• Participating as responsible citizens in the life of local, national, and global communities.
• Being culturally and aesthetically sensitive across a range of social contexts.
• Contributing to the social and economic development of South African society at large.
• In possession of professional and disciplinary knowledge
2.1.7 Exciting issues
One of the highlights of the department was the promotion of three staff members to senior lecturer positions in June 2023. There is also a growth on the side of the department in emerging researchers and seasoned researchers.
3.1.8 Delivery sites
Nelson Mandela delivery site in Mthatha Campus.
3.2.1 Vision
The Department of Adult and Education Foundations aspires to be a technology-infused department in meeting the educational needs of local, national, and global communities within an African context by pursuing academic excellence and innovation.
3.2.2 Mission
The Department:
• Provides quality teacher education programmes.
• Offers programmes that focus on developing creative, critical and reflective competencies and allow students to emerge as agents of change in pursuit of excellence and innovation through the use of technology.
• Identifies community challenges and problems and seek solutions.
• Generates new knowledge and ideas that shape, enhance and inform modern learning and teaching methodologies.
• Participates in community engagement to enhance values, wisdom, lifestyles, and quality of life in rural communities.
3.2.3 Values
• Honesty and Integrity
• Quality and Excellence
• Respect
• Ubuntu
• Accountability
• Responsibility
• Caring
3.3 Goals of the Department (covering the three core pillars of higher education)
The goals of the Department of Adult and Education Foundations are to:
• Develop and offer programmes that focus on creative, critical and reflective thinking competencies.
• Afford student-teachers’ opportunities to emerge as reflexive agents of change in pursuit of excellence and innovation through the use of technology;
• Equip student-teachers with modern pedagogies that assist in generating new knowledge and ideas through the use of technology.
• Utilise innovative basic research skills to respond to community challenges.
• Empower student-teachers with knowledge, skills and values to play pivotal roles in their communities for sustainable development.
3.4 Student societies and their roles
The Student Society is the sub-structure of the Student Representative Council (SRC).
Its roles include:
• Representing the student body in departmental and faculty academic-related matters.
• Liaising with the Class Representatives and SRC on academic matters that affect the student body. • Liaising with the lecturer, Head of Department (HoD) and Dean on matters that affect students