Research Facilities
and Centres
Risk and Vulnerability Science Centre (RVSC)
Risk and Vulnerability Science Centre (RVSC) is an initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) funded through the National Research Foundation (NRF).
RVSC generates and disseminates knowledge on risk and vulnerability on Global Change Grand Challenges. The knowledge is for the primary benefit of local municipalities but is also for other potential users.
RVSC enhances WSU’s capacity to research global change and assist local communities in responding to such change.
Click here to access RVSC website.
National Pollution Laboratory (NPL)
The National Pollution Laboratory (NPL), hosted by WSU, enables the University to play a key role in the development of South Africa’s “Blue Economy” sector, focusing on harnessing of the ocean and coastal resources.
It is an initiative of the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and part of Operation Phakisa projects.
The Laboratory collects and analyses water, sediment and biota samples along the South African coastal waters, and provides baseline water quality information that will support the long-term assessment of accumulative impacts associated with ocean economy initiatives.
The samples also feed into WSU’s research and innovation focus areas, thus contributing to the University’s research and innovation outputs.
Click here to access the NPL website.
National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS)
The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS), situated at the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital (NMAH), is an affiliated research entity of the Faculty of Health Sciences on the Mthatha Campus. The affiliation started in 2007.
It has five pathologists (two in medical microbiology, two in chemical pathology, one anatomical pathology) and one scientist.
Research conducted in pathology disciplines involves human participants. NHLS provides diagnostic services to OR Tambo, Amathole, Chris Hani and Alfred Nzo districts.
In medical microbiology, research focus areas include the genes responsible for Antimicrobial resistance, Phylogenetic analysis, STI, HIV and TB where MSc and PhD students are involved.
Medical Microbiology and Chemical Pathology-based research projects involve patients from Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Mthatha Regional Hospital, and surrounding clinics and hospitals. Currently, the NHLS is headed by Professor Sandeep D Vasaikar.
Please click here to access NHLS website.
Institute for Advanced Tooling (IAT)
The Institute for Advanced Tooling (IAT) at WSU officially commenced operations in January 2007.
It was born out of a unit established to support the local tooling industry, particularly in the automotive sector.
The IAT WSU fits within the light metals and tooling (manufacturing) sector of the Technology Station Program (TSP) funded by the Department of Science and Innovation through the Technology Innovation Agency. The station is situated at the Buffalo City Campus, East London.
The strategic objectives of the station include providing technology support services and training to the (predominantly) regional manufacturing sector, SMMEs, inventors, individuals, academic partners and in some cases, large companies.
The Institute focuses mainly on design, product development, delivery of basic services, machine design and manufacture, metrology, skills transfer, technology transfer, advanced manufacturing and reverse engineering.
Click here to access the IAT website.